Leasowe G.C.

Leasowe G.C. Logo copy.jpg


Leasowe G.C.


The word “ leasow “ originally meant pasture or an open and undulating meadow and the current course certainly lives up to this description, as it is open to all the elements coming off the Irish Sea.

Leasowe Golf club was formed in 1891. The Club’s first Captain was John Ball Junior, who was at that time probably the most famous man in golfing circles as in the previous year 1890, he won both the British Amateur Championship and the Open Championship.

Almost all Club records were destroyed in a serious clubhouse fire in 1963, so very little is known about the club prior to 1939. However, the club has a permanent reminder of WWII, with a pill box still in situ by the 5th Tee



“Leasowe G.C.,” Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs Archives, accessed May 20, 2024, http://cheshire-golf100.org.uk/archive/items/show/488.


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